Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Is global climate change man-made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Is global climate change man-made - Essay Example This leads to the growing debate of today, is global warming man-made? Or is it just a cycle that the Earth goes through? Greenhouse gases affect the Earth’s climate by increasing the greenhouse effect, which is a natural phenomenon whereby water vapor, CO2, and other gases in the atmosphere allow sunlight to pass through, but then absorb much of the heat from the earth that otherwise would have escaped to outer space. Without the natural greenhouse effect, the mean temperature would be about minus 18Â °C, and the Earth would be uninhabitable Emitting greenhouse gases in large amounts increases the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere, which then increases the greenhouse effect so that more heat is trapped by the atmosphere. This can increase the temperature of the atmosphere and change the climate on Earth. Probably the most harmful contaminant that people are responsible for releasing into the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. The energy sector has been cited as being responsible for three fourths of the carbon dioxide emissions, one fifth of the methane emissions and a good portion of the nitrous oxide released into the earth’s atmosphere. Most of this comes from the burning of fossil fuels, although deforestation, land clearing, and other agricultural practices have all led to rises in pollution levels. Without some sort of agreement between countries, this could become the factor that tips the scales toward mankind as being the biggest cause of climate change. Many of the statements that are for climate change being a natural event are true. Global climate change is natural, but it is due to men selfishness, and the fact that we are so inconsiderate, that it is taking place at such an alarmingly rapid

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Meaning of Life Essay Example for Free

The Meaning of Life Essay â€Å"The Meaning of Life† is an excerpt from Richard Taylor’s book Good and Evil: A New Direction, with this book Mr. Taylor was thought to have adopted a radical subjectivist view of ethics. In this excerpt he explains why existence and life is meaningless and he sheds light into the meaning of life. Throughout his explanations Richard uses an example from an ancient Greek myth. The myth is about Sisyphus a Greek man who offended the gods and was sentenced to roll a large stone up a hill for all of eternity. Richard starts his explanation of the â€Å"Meaningless of Existence† with the toils of Sisyphus. Sisyphus is forced to roll a stone up a hill, when it is near the top the stone will roll back down and he is forced to roll it up again, only to have it fall once more to be rolled up again and again for all of eternity. It is Sisyphus’ punishment that we will focus on. Sisyphus is the picture of a â€Å"meaningless, pointless toil of a meaningless existence that is absolutely never redeemed†(Taylor, Richard). He has lost all purpose in life except to roll a stone; it is a never ending nightmare that he will never awaken from. Taylor gives other examples of meaningless tasks, a relay styles race with a precious gem transported back and forth in a never ending cycle, and a digging hole only to be refilled with the same earth. The points to all this is that all these tasks are pointless and without meaning. The story could be different and Sisyphus can have meaning if he circumstance were different, if Sisyphus rolled stone to the top and all the stone accumulated into a wonderful and enduring temple, he would have some meaning to his labors. If the gods as an after thought made it so that Sisyphus’ only will and desire was to roll stone, then Sisyphus would perhaps take enjoyment in his task. This change in his perception does not change his task at hand; it only changes his perspective. His is still condemned to an eternity of meaningless and pointless labor. Therefore the existence of Sisyphus is meaningless, the labor that he performs leads him nowhere, and everything that he does is in vain. The world would be the same with or without his presence. The next section deals with the meaningless of life, he begins this section by explaining what meaningless and meaningfulness is: â€Å"Meaningless is essentially endless pointless and meaningfulness is therefore the opposite. †(Taylor, Richard) for this section he cites ugly blind worms in a New Zealand cave. These worms have the soul purpose of waiting, feeding, transforming into winged adults only living a day or two, mating, laying eggs and finally dying. This example shows us the meaning of life, an endless cycle that accumulates to nothing, and the â€Å"point of living is evidently nothing but life itself. † (Taylor, Richard) We as humans differ form this only a little. We have goals that we work for; once they are completed we set off after another goal, all this work goes to family and home, only to beget others who will follow in the same foot steps in a cycle. Even though we are stuck in a cycle of endless meaningless toil we look to religion, universal justice, brotherhood or any sort of ever lasting good that we may aim for. The last part of this excerpt is the â€Å"meaning of life† we return to the story of Sisyphus who in this example has completed his beautiful tower and is now faced with eternal boredom, before he was faced with the nightmare of pointless activity now he is faced with the hell of eternal absence and boredom. This leads into his explanation that the meaning to our lives is â€Å"our own wills, our deep interest is what we find ourselves doing†(Taylor, Richard). Even though our existence is short and our toils fade we can hold memories of the past. The point of living is to continue what we are doing because giving up and doing nothing would be no salvation. The resolution to this excerpt is that we live life because our will is to live and build castles for our children so they can build castles for theirs. This question of living has puzzled philosophers for centuries, I have also come across this question, with my reasoning I could not figure it out, for if, great philosophers couldn’t then how could I? Mr. Taylor’s views are interesting and some of what he says does make sense. The myth of Sisyphus is the focal point of Richard Taylor’s reasoning the meaning of life; he explains Sisyphus eternal punishment in detail. Richard also gives other scenarios of Sisyphus’ task, if his labors accumulated into a beautiful tower or if he was some how made to enjoy rolling stones. I agree that in a way all ours lives are like that of Sisyphus’ toil. A cycle of endless toil, we work towards our little goals and glimpse of happiness, which are sure to fade over time. The meaningless of life is explained in the second section; Richard uses two insects to show the meaningless of life, the glow worms and the cicadas. Richard states that there is no meaning to life because it is an endless cycle of pointless and meaningless events. At the moment our goals may seem a great deal of importance in our lives but in the end all our toils are pointless and meaningless in the end. I understand this point in his explanation but I disagree, I think a person can find meaning in every ting they do. It is true that this meaning doesn’t last forever but the pleasure we take from everyday life and experience is well worth it. I don’t believe that everything is meaningless in life just because we all die in the end. I believe that it’s not the end of ones life that is important; it’s the journey that one takes through life. It is the accumulation of everyday happiness that makes our lives worthwhile. There is an old saying that the end of a journey is not important, it is the lessons we learn along the journey that counts. In the last section of the excerpt is the meaning of life, Richards explains that we live life because of our own will. I also agree with this, living life with a purpose and a will is much better compared to living a life of doing nothing and boredom because we know it eventually ends. I have very optimistic views of human life; I believe that everyone’s life has a meaning and a purpose. If a person is dying of cancer and has only a few months left, but a doctor performs an operation and saves him, he will have meaning to live again and he will cherish the rest of his life, sure he will die eventually but presently he will be grateful to live and he will give the doctor a reason to continue what he is doing. In my opinion the reason we live is for experience, we live to learn and experience new things. Like that old saying about the journey and the end, it is the process of the journey that is important. We live life not thinking about our deaths, we live it for the experiences that each day brings.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Understanding Vs. Knowing in Atwood’s Oryx and Crake Essay -- Literary

It is often simpler to settle for an understanding of the world and people around us instead of trying to know the truth. Truth has consequences; by knowing too much, one can lose a friend, learn a deadly secret, or become someone they do not want to be. To express his understanding of himself and the world around him, Crake in Oryx and Crake uses quote-bearing fridge magnets. One very important quote is â€Å"We understand more than we know†. It is important to recognize the difference between the terms "understand" and "know"; the Oxford English Dictionary defines "to understand" as to perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of, whereas "to know" is to be absolutely certain or sure about something. There is certainly a difference, as understanding suggests ideas, and knowledge suggests facts. Prior to the Crake's devastation of the human race in Oryx and Crake, characters understand more than they know in their awareness of human nature. However, the only survivors of this catastrophe are those who, inversely, know more than they understand. This means that Crake, Oryx, and Jimmy have an astute understanding of the world around them, but only later do Snowman and the Crakers show the importance of knowledge in surviving as a species. Crake believes he knows the problems with humankind, and that he also has the solutions. He views humanity as destructive, inefficient, and unsatisfied, and uses his understanding of these flaws to destroy the human race. His scientific background leads him to very accurately understand the biological and psychological characteristics of the human mind and body, of humanity as a whole, but also specifically of his friend Jimmy. Crake understands physical attraction and sex from a strictly ... a newfound capacity to know more than they understand, suggesting the success of humans as a species may rely on never reaching (or never reaching for) a full understanding. Perhaps we should be accepting simply knowing as principle. Works Cited Atwood, Margaret. Oryx and Crake. 1st ed. New York, New York/United States: First Anchor Books, 2004. 374. Print. Davis, Roger. ""a white illusion of a man": Snowman, Survival, and Speculation in Margaret Atwood's "Oryx and Crake"." Hosting the Monster. Ed. Holly Lynn Baumgarter. 1st ed. New York, New York/United States: Rodopi, 2008. 260. Web. 28 May 2012. DiMarco, Danette. "Paradice Lost, Paradise Regained: Homo Faber and the Makings of a New Beginning in Oryx and Crake." Papers on Language & Literature 41 (2005): n.pag. Web. 27 May 2012. Reizner, Chelsea. "Fridge Magnets." (2007): Web. Mar. 2012.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Polaroid Case Analysis

IIM Indore| Polaroid Corporation: European Distribution system| Logistics Management system| | Submitted to| Prof. S. Venkatramanaiah| | Group 2 | AludaiyaarasuAsvin VMohan M S Prabu PRajasekar VijayaraghavanSrinivasan DK. M. Venkatraj| Synopsis: Polaroid Corporation, headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was a company marketed a wide variety of instant photographic products for consumers and industries. After the deregulation of US motor industry consolidation of the warehouses in US took place, which resulted in an improved service level and reduced costs.Overwhelmed by the consolidation results, the management wanted to consolidate the subsidiaries’ warehouses in the Europe to a direct distribution. There were around Twelve European subsidiaries each where headed by general manager. Of that France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom together have accounted 70 – 80% of the sales. The Polaroid had three primary production areas in Vale of Leven, Scotland, Enschede, Netherlands and one in Cambridge itself. The site at Enschede also served as a central distribution site and export center known as International Distribution center (IDSC) that served all the international subsidiaries.Each European subsidiary had their own warehouse to cater as a buffer and for customizing the orders, special packaging and rush orders. As the measures for the economic integration of the European Community also made the direct distribution as an impetus option which could be used to save the transportation cost by 25%. But there was a resistance by the general managers of the European subsidiaries because of various problems like layoff, Buffer reduction, depriving the responsibility and above all, they felt that IDSC management team didn’t had the management skill. They were also skeptic about the outcome after implementation.Tom carrol, Director of International Distribution and customer service had different options before him. Like total handover to a t hird party or implement the direct centralized distribution. For Direct distribution, in the first place, he was contemplating in picking the first subsidiary to be centralized among the different options of Austria, UK, Italy and Germany Case Analysis: Problem Statement: For effective implementation of Centralized warehouse system in Europe for reducing the operational cost in spite of mounting opposition from the General Managers of European subsidiaries Options:Following are the different distribution system present to serve the European subsidiaries from Enschede, 1. To upgrade present IDSC warehouse to handle direct distribution to all the European Subsidiaries 2. To have a central ware house in Enschede and two satellite regional warehouse in southern France and a facility in Denmark 3. To allow a third party logistic provider to handle the direct distribution and warehousing in addition to the transportation service Reasons for opposition to plan: Following are the different concern raised by the General Managers of All the European Subsidiaries, 1.Doubt on the capability of the ISDC in Encshede to handle the requirements of all the European subsidiaries 2. Concern on lose of flexibility to respond to changes in the market which the subsidiaries considered the reason for their success 3. There is no financial benefit seen in reducing the inventory level as the subsidiaries are not charged for the inventory they hold 4. Doubt on whether the cost savings quoted could be achieved 5. Loss of warehouse was seen as substantial loss in their power 6. Subsidiaries considered the quality of Enschede as weak 7.Will lose a buffer between central distribution system and the customers 8. ISDC blamed for inbound transportation delays 9. Country specific objections like, a. Idiosyncrasies of trucking industry in Italy would make it difficult to do business differently b. Belgium and Netherland has achieved direct distribution only because of the fact that they had sma ll sales volume and they were located close to Enschede 10. Opposition from Unions in different subsidiaries against the layoff could cause serious problems like high severance package and possible strikes Benefits Of Centralized Warehouse system:By implementing Centralized warehouse system, Polaroid would achieve a net annual savings of $5. 7 Million. Savings through reduction of workforce will be $2. 5 Million and Warehouse rental savings will be $1 Million Factors supporting Central Warehousing: 1. Successful implementation in US and savings derived 2. Forthcoming liberalization of cross-border transportation 3. Efforts by Logistic providers for pan-European service capabilities 4. Post liberalization transportation in Europe would reduce by 5-25% Analyzing Service Demand pattern:Country| Photographic Dealers| Hypermarkets/Retailers Warehouse| Wholesalers| Special Markets| Direct service | Nature of Service Demand (Remarks)| France| 70%| 20%| 10%| -| -| 1) Shipment of products di rectly to individual 2) Direct delivery to retail outlets &retail establishments| Germany| 0%| 85% – 90%| 10%-15%| -| -| 1) Highly demanding compared to other European subsidiary 2) Strongly opposed late or incomplete orders| Italy| 45%| 10%| 40%| 5%|   | Characterized most flexible| UK| -| 20%| 45%| 20%| 35%| Some of Accounts considered extremely demanding|From above table we could infer that Germany and France are seeking high level of service which calls for high operational cost. So if Central warehouse system is being implemented it would be better if they first start with Italy as the customers are not much demanding and also the account size is equivalent to other subsidiary. The successful implementation in ITALY would act as good reference point. Analyzing â€Å"Candidates† for Implementation:Country| Positive Factors| Negative factors| Other Remarks| UK| Extensive support from Rod Bishop, Manager UK| Servicing customers considered risky as sea transport req uired| Stringent service requirement from Bishop| Austria| Small Account| Located far from ISDC| Success in Austria will not have great impact as the account served is low| Italy| Product Theft in transit| Low service level demanded. Customers highly flexible| Memorandum Regarding distribution| From above table and from service demand pattern it can be clearly seen that Italy would be the best option for rolling the plan as 1.Much of the demand arises from the dealers ( 20 main dealers) and 45% from Wholesalers , therefore the cost of servicing would be less as compared to UK’s some of the important accounts which calls for greater service 2. Also the customers in Italy are flexible which implies that they will tolerate the poor service quality in initial period of direct distribution implementation Analyzing Net inventory level and Order, Line fill rate: Country| Line Fill rate| Order Fill rate| Net Inventory level ($ in Million)| France| 97%| 91%| 6. 1| Germany| 92%| 69%| 4 . 53| UK| 92%| 75%| 4. 32| Italy| 76%| 51%| 6. 28| From above table it is clear that though the inventory level in Italy is very high they have very low order and line fill rate. This shows a poor inventory management system and also improper ordering of SKU’s which might not be moving I the market. Therefore Italy seems to be a best candidate for implementing the Centralized distribution as the presence of Warehouse does not add much value to the business.Conclusion: Polaroid can go for Centralized Warehouse management strategy, to start with Italy and then slowly moving to other subsidiaries like France and Germany where service demand level is very high. Also Polaroid should look for the option of including third party logistics because they will have expertise in managing warehousing and transportations better than Polaroid. Calculations: Given data: 1. France , Germany, Italy and UK make nearly 70% t0 80% European sales 2.Total European sales = $504. 5 Million 3. Sales o f Germany = 30% of total European sales 4. COGS/ Total sales ratio = 0. 5073 ( from exhibit 1) Assumptions made 1. 70% of European sales are equally contributed by UK, France and Italy 2. Average price per unit = $125 3. Average inventory value= $ 7. 12 million ( based on Exhibit 7) Parameters /Country| Germany| France| UK| Italy| Sales ($) (in Millions)| 151. 35| 117. 72| 117. 72| 117. 72| Sales (Units)| 1210800| 941733| 941733| 941733|Distribution channel| Wholesaler (10-15%) Retailers (85%)| Specialty (70%) photographic dealers Hyper markets (20%) Wholesalers (10%)| Wholesalers (45%) Direct service (20%) Retailers (15%)| Photographic dealers (45%) Wholesalers (40%) Hypermarkets (10%) Special markets (5%)| Current Capability| Dedicated Warehouse| Dedicated Warehouse| Dedicated Warehouse| Dedicated Warehouse| Line fill rate| 95%| 95%| 94%| 88%| Order Fill rate| 81%| 90%| 94%| 62%| Annual Inventory turn| 11| 8| 8| 8| Labour savings (in 1000 $)| 570| 488| 242| 243| Facilities savings (in 1000 $)| 150| 300| 150| -|

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A University Education Is Not Essential for Success’ Essay

In a general point of view, university education is necessary for success and that is why parents nowadays would ask their children to finish their Bachelor degree as a minimum request. They think that university education is an essential element for success. However, I do not think that that is true at all. University education is only one of the keys for success but not the only key to achieve success. Some people may think that what success is being a millionaire or even a billionaire. Nevertheless, in the reality, being that kind of capitalists does not require any degree of education. It is a truth that having a higher degree of education can let us apply a higher salary job but it is not essential for being the tycoons. There are some real life examples to prove my argument is truth. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Richard Li choose to give up their opportunity to finish the university education and start their businesses. Although they do not have any diploma of graduation in the university, they can still run their business very well and earn a huge sum of money. University education is not an essential element for being a millionaire. Earning enormous figure of income does not request any degree. Moreover, what success is not only making a huge sum of money but also making our own dreams come true. Not everyone is giving weight money to a high position and what he or she wants is to accomplish his or her dreams. Different people have different dreams and some of the dreams may require a high level of education such as being a doctor or a lawyer in Hong Kong. It is necessary for the one who has these dreams to have a good academic result in A-Level exam and finish the university study to get the certification. However, some dreams do not claim any degree such as travelling around the world and having a perfectly satisfactory family. Therefore, we can grasp that how essential a university education is according to the one’s dreams but university education is not essential for every dream. In addition, there are many other keys for success, such as the talents, intelligence, communication skills, social skills etc. To be successful in a career, we need those elements I mentioned above and cannot ignore their importance for success. The diploma is only just an admission ticket in our career. What the boss paying attention is not our level of education but our working ability. That’s mean the ability to get the project done in order to help the boss earning profit. Although one has a high education level, the boss would still fire him or her if he or she makes troublesome to the company. Therefore, the university education is not that essential as people think. In conclusion, the university education is only one of the key for success.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Early 19th century London essays

Early 19th century London essays Throughout the 1800s, London grew at an incredibly fast rate. People from all over the world flocked to this magnificent city of wealth and opportunity. By the mid- 1800s, London had become the single largest city in the world, with an astonishing population of 2,362,000 people. Lascar and Chinese communities began to appear near shipping ports and docks, and the Irish population continued to grow reaching hundreds of thousands. By 1841, less than two thirds of the cities inhabitants had actually been born there, and as the vast city became more and more populated, London developed some of the worst slums ever known. In St. Giles and Seven Dials, on Jacobs Island and in the Rookeries, enormous numbers of the poor were left to die. As the nineteenth century progressed, the gap between classes became increasingly more evident. Through the eyes of the rich, the poor were seen nothing more than animals. However, when Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist, a world of literature unknown to most Londoners became available. As both the upper and lower classes began reading this book, the enormous chasm between the rich and the poor started to close. Soon after, seeing the world in a new light, the diverse classes began to refine themselves, and finally began respecting each other. Looking back over a long life, fellow writer Francis Place was amazed at the transformation of manners among Londons population. London was greatly affected by its continual flow of immigrants. What drew immigrants to London was the possibility of employment, and thanks to Charles Dickens inspiring and enlightening novels, what they found was a world of science, art, and opportunity. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Pass a Lie Detector Test

How to Pass a Lie Detector Test A polygraph test or  lie detector test is designed to analyze physiological reactions to questions to determine whether or not a subject is being truthful. The accuracy of the test has been widely contested by groups including the National Academy of Science, the US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, and the American Psychological Association. Even so, the test is routinely used to screen employment applicants and interrogate criminal suspects. While a person may be told to answer all questions honestly, the test is designed to measure responses to white lies, which means truly honest people run the risk of generating a false positive on the test. Other people may wish to conceal answers to certain questions, whether guilty of wrongdoing or not. Fortunately for them, its not that hard to beat a lie detector test. The first step to passing the test is understanding how it works. How a Lie Detector Test Works A lie detector test includes more than the time spent hooked up to the polygraph machine. The tester will start making observations the instant a person enters the test center. A skilled polygrapher will notice and record nonverbal cues associated with lying, so its a good idea to know your tells. The polygraph machine records breathing rate, blood pressure, pulse rate, and perspiration. More sophisticated machines include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. Physiological responses to irrelevant, diagnostic, and relevant questions are compared to identify lies. Questions may be repeated two to three  times. The subject may be asked to intentionally lie to help the examiner establish baseline values. The test typically requires one to three hours to complete, including the background assessment, medical history, explanation of the test, actual polygraph, and follow-up. Most Advice Isnt Very Effective The internet is filled with advice on ways to beat a lie detector test, but many of these ideas arent very effective. For example, biting your tongue or putting a tack in your shoe to use pain to affect blood pressure wont affect perspiration levels. Similarly, imagining a lie when telling the truth and imagining the truth when telling a lie wont work because it establishes differences between lies and truth. Remember, differences between the truth and lies are the basis for the test! 2 Ways to Beat the Test Basically, there are two good ways to beat the test: Be completely zen, no matter what youre asked. Note: Most people cant master this.Be completely distraught throughout the entire test. 7 Tips to Try Most people are nervous when taking a lie detector test, whether they intend to lie or not. The physical responses to nerves probably wont fool a lie detector. You need to up your game to simulate feelings of mortal terror. This is because beating the test is all about mind games, which naturally affect physical responses. Here are some tips to try: If you want to beat the test, your best bet is to stay upset, fearful and confused throughout the entire test. The goal is to appear calm and in control, despite the inner turmoil. Remember your worst experience or solve difficult math problems in your heads include, Have you ever taken anything from your workplace? or Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?Alter your breathing during control questions, but return to normal breathing before answering the next question. You can make minor admissions here or not, as you choose. When you answer questions, answer firmly, without hesitation, and without humor. Be cooperative, but dont joke or act overly-friendly.Answer yes or no whenever possible. Do not explain answers, give details, or offer explanations. If asked to expand on a question, reply: What more do you want me to say? or Theres really nothing to say about that.If accused of lying, dont fall for it. If anything, use the accusation as fuel to feel upset and confused. In fact, answering diagnostic questions honestly may have given the examiner conflicting results, so be prepared to be questioned further.Practice any countermeasures before the test. Ask someone to ask you likely questions. Be aware of your breathing and how you react to different types of questions. Keep in mind, applying these tips may enable you to invalidate the test, but wont be much use if youre taking a lie detector test to get a job. In most cases, the easiest way through a lie detector test is to approach it honestly. Drugs That Affect Tests Drugs and medical conditions may affect a polygraph test, often leading to an inconclusive result. For this reason, drug tests and a screening questionnaire are commonly given before a lie detector test. Medications that affect heart rate and blood pressure can affect polygraph results. These include antihypertensives and anti-anxiety medications and also a host of illegal drugs, including heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Caffeine, nicotine, allergy medications, sleep aids, and cough remedies may also affect the test. Some Medical Conditions May Prohibit the Test While diagnosed sociopaths and psychopaths may be excluded from the test due to a potential ability to control responses, other medical conditions may prohibit the test. People who have epilepsy, nerve damage (including essential tremor), heart disease, have suffered a stroke, or are extremely fatigued should not take the test. Mentally incompetent people shouldnt take the test. Pregnant women are generally exempted from the test unless a doctor gives written approval. With the exception of mental illness, drugs and medical conditions dont necessarily enable a person to beat a lie detector test. However, they do skew the results, making them less reliable. Sources Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences and Education (BCSSE) and Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) (2003). The Polygraph and Lie Detection. National Research Council (Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations), p. 21.Scientific Validity of Polygraph Testing: A Research Review and Evaluation. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment. 1983.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Economic Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana

Economic Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana The war on drugs- no matter how you feel about it- is undoubtedly expensive. A great deal of resources go into catching those who buy and sell illegal drugs, prosecuting them in court, and housing them in jail. Critics of the war on drugs believe these costs are especially exorbitant when it comes to marijuana, a substance that is widely used and, according to numerous scientists, no more harmful than legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. Theres another cost to the war on drugs, too- the revenue lost by governments that cannot collect taxes on the sale of illegal drugs. In a 2010 study for the Fraser Institute, economist Stephen T. Easton attempted to calculate how much tax revenue the Canadian government could gain by legalizing marijuana. In 2018, for many of the reasons Easton outlined in his study, Canada passed the Cannabis Act, which legalized the adult use of recreational marijuana. Revenue From Marijuana Sales Eastons study estimated that the average price of 0.5 grams (a unit) of marijuana sold for $8.60 on the black market, while its cost of production was only $1.70. In a free market, a $6.90 profit for a unit of marijuana would not last for long. Entrepreneurs noticing the great profits to be made in the marijuana market would start their own grow operations, increasing the supply of marijuana, which would cause the street price of the drug to fall to a level much closer to the cost of production. Of course, this doesnt happen because the product is illegal; the prospect of jail time deters many entrepreneurs and the occasional drug bust ensures that the supply stays relatively low. We can consider much of this $6.90 per unit of marijuana profit a risk-premium for participating in the underground economy. Before Canada legalized cannabis, this risk premium was making a lot of criminals, many of whom had ties to organized crime, very wealthy. Marijuana Taxes Easton argued that if marijuana were legalized, the excess profits produced by the risk-premium could be transferred to the government: If we substitute a tax on marijuana cigarettes equal to the difference between the local production cost and the street price people currently paythat is, transfer the revenue from the current producers and marketers (many of whom work with organized crime) to the government, leaving all other marketing and transportation issues aside we would have revenue of (say) $7 per [unit]. If you could collect on every cigarette and ignore the transportation, marketing, and advertising costs, this comes to over $2 billion on Canadian sales and substantially more from an export tax, and you forego the costs of enforcement and deploy your policing assets elsewhere. Supply and Demand One interesting thing to note from such a scheme is that the street price of marijuana stays exactly the same, so the quantity demanded should remain the same as the price is unchanged. However, its quite likely, in places where cannabis use is currently criminalized, that legalization would change the demand for marijuana. We saw that there was a risk in illegally selling marijuana, but since drug laws often target both the buyer and the seller, there is also a risk (albeit smaller) to the consumer interested in buying marijuana. Legalization would eliminate this risk, causing the demand to rise. From a public policy standpoint, this is a mixed bag: Increased marijuana use can have ill effects on the health of the population, but the increased sales bring in more revenue for the government. By legalizing marijuana, governments can have some control over how much marijuana is consumed by increasing or decreasing taxes on the product. There is a limit to this, however, as setting taxes too high will cause marijuana growers to sell on the black market to avoid excessive taxation. When considering legalizing marijuana, there are many economic, health, and social issues to analyze. Although one economic study should not be the basis for a countrys public policy decisions, Eastons research does conclusively show that there are economic benefits to the legalization of marijuana. With governments scrambling to find new sources of revenue to pay for important social objectives such as health care and education, you can expect to see more leaders exploring the idea of legalization.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Influence of habitat diversity and substratum on the composition of Essay

Influence of habitat diversity and substratum on the composition of macroinvertebrate communities from riverine systems - Essay Example They are a key component of the food chain and their abundance and diversity have been used to assess the ecosystem health and bio diversity in a given habitat. A very recent study by Leroy et al iexamined the relative importance of litter quality and stream characteristics in determining decomposition rate and macro invertebrate assemblage living on autumn shed leaves. The decomposition rates of five riparian tree species (Populus fermonti, Alnus oblongifolnia, Platanus wrightii, Faxinus velutina, Quercus gambelli) were compared across three south -western streams in the Verde River catchments (Arizona, U.S.A). Also to test whether plant species diversity affects rate, the decomposition of three and five species mixtures was compared to that of a single species. The results showed that decomposition rate was affected by both litter quality and stream although litter quality accounted for most of the variation. The relative importance of litter quantity was shown to decrease from 97% in the first week to 45% by the eighth week. It was also found that the rate of decomposition increased relatively when all the species included were highly la bile. The most significant outcome of this study was the difference in invertebrate assemblage, which seemed to be more pronounced across streams than across leaf litter species within a stream. There was also a significant difference between the invertebrate assemblage colonizing leaf mixtures compared to that colonizing pure species litter, indicating non -additive properties of litter diversity on stream invertebrates. The conclusion of the study was that leaf litter diversity has the capacity to affect in -stream decomposition rates and stream invertebrates but these effects depend on both litter quality and stream characteristics. A research conducted in Griffith University, Australiaii studied the basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimens for aquatic bio- diversity. The article stated that the flow regimen is considered to be the primary factor governing river and flood plain wetland ecosystems. Four key principles highlighted the important mechanisms that link hydrology and aquatic bio diversity and the impacts of alteration in the flow regimes: 1. Flow plays a major role in determining the physical habitat in streams, which influences the biotic composition. 2. The evolution of aquatic species has a direct response to the natural flow regimes. 3. The viability of populations of many riverine species requires maintenance of natural patterns of longitudinal and lateral connectivity. 4. The alteration in flow regimes facilitates the invasion and success of exotic and introduced species in riverine systems. Wide ranges of taxonomic groups are impacted by altered flow regimes including riverine plants, invertebrates and fish. A study by Douglas et al iii related macro invertebrate community structure to physical, chemical and biological gradients in flow through constructed wetlands receiving secondarily treated domestic wastewater and lower nutrient river water in Ohio, U.S.A. Benthic colonization plates and emergence traps were used to collect macro invertebrates which were then analyzed with diversity, biotic and combination indices and related to seventeen parameters of water quality, substrate characteristics and primary productivity in both wetland systems. 36 and 39 macro invertebrate

Textual Analysis about Your Fate Hurtles Down at You Essay

Textual Analysis about Your Fate Hurtles Down at You - Essay Example despite these circumstances, those who are left have to learn to survive and find the reason for their existence, or at least will be lead by fate to that reason. â€Å"Your Fate Hurtles Down at You† reflects more of the life that is comparable to the sting of cold in an icy setting. The setting of the story may not just have been a chance choice for the author to develop what he wanted to communicate to his readers rather has been carefully considered to put emphasis on his points. First, Davos is a place which is perfect for the research about ice and snow because of its geographical make up. Although some important parts of the story did not occur in the same area, the settings are similar in that, they are prone to avalanches. This circumstance is what the author uses to emphasize the title of the story, used as a metaphor. As an avalanche falls anytime without warning, fate hurtles down inevitably on people, whether they like it or not. The narration of the death of the storyteller’s twin brother, Willi, is a strong demonstration of how fate hurtles down on a person. He did not like to die, he was young and in love with Ruth who was pregnant with their child. Nevertheless, he was destined to die young and as his death came suddenly and unexpectedly, this event and the cause of death portray the suddenness of how fate could hit an individual. On the other hand, the fate of Willi’s brother is to love the same woman he adored, Ruth. Despite the fact that Ruth showed interest on Willi more than his twin brother, the other did not stop loving her. This, is the author’s fate. To love the woman who loved his brother and just cannot learn to love him despite his brother’s demise. This fate could be different to that of Willi’s but it is comparable to it. If the cause of Willi’s death is an avalanche, the cause of his brother’s end to loving other women is Ruth. Willi’s brother was competing with Bader for the affections of an Alsatian widow but he

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Medicinal Role of Different Foods as Held by Different Communities Literature review

The Medicinal Role of Different Foods as Held by Different Communities from Different Regions in the World - Literature review Example Food plays an integral role in the part of any human being in the sense that people cannot live without food. However, the choice of food matters for every individual because it determines whether a person is healthy or killing themselves with foods that are toxic to their bodies. Therefore, the food that people eat gives them information and materials to help the body in functioning appropriately. The amount of food that a person consumes also matter because when the body gets too much food it becomes undernourished, overweight and develops the risk of conditions and diseases that are a risk to the body such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.   Therefore, what people eat is central to their health; food, on the other hand, can play a medicinal role where it maintains the health of the body by alleviating or curing diseases. However, there are other underlying benefits of foods, especially medicinal benefits, which most people do not forget to explore. Therefore, it is vita l for readers to understand how different foods they consume or ignore play an important role in their bodies. The research question in the essay is what are the medicinal role of various foods that are consumed by citizens every day? Many people have a clear understanding of the importance of eating healthy, in the United States cases of obesity and chronic diseases have been on the rise due to foods that are served in restaurants and in school where most school going children are obese. The five sources in the essay were selected after intensive research where I concluded on them because they have the content of information that is needed to explain the literature review in the essay. The sources have the basis of my discussion hence appropriate for the essay. Ensiyeh Seyedrezazadeh, Masoud Pour Moghaddam & Fariba Kolahdooz et al (2011) â€Å"Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of wheezing and asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.† In this article, the author discusses the relationship between asthma and wheezing and the intake of fruits and vegetables.        

The Effects of Culture on Marketing of Clothing Essay

The Effects of Culture on Marketing of Clothing - Essay Example Culture refers to the lifestyle (way of doing things) of a given people with its facets such as customs, values and norms, beliefs, aesthetics, traditions, law and politics, education, language and religion ( 2015, p.1) These are related and shared by members of a particular group with defined boundaries. One is never born with a culture but learns the culture thus, the nature of a society depends on both social and cultural aspects learned (Baig 2013, p. 11). As the essence of society and being among the famous â€Å"environmental uncontrollables†, culture is particularly difficult to comprehend, control as well as harness to the advantage of marketing ( 2015, p. 1). This scenario is common with culture bound products or service which, in most cases are naturally indigenous and have a relatively small value. Culture has huge impact in the success or failure of product within a given market. A global market must therefore establish the simil arities and differences in cultures and account for them in designing and developing marketing plans for various products such as clothing, music recording and software (Bearden, Netemeyer, & Haws 2011, p 24).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Literature Review Outline on Improving Reading Fluency in Elementary Essay

Literature Review Outline on Improving Reading Fluency in Elementary Students - Essay Example i. Definitions and Benefits of Constant Time Delay – Citation of Reference by Aldemir & Gursel (2014): These are teaching techniques that build reading fluency by increasing word recognition. Teaching utilizes procedures that entail observational learning groups such as pronunciation of letters and spelling lessons. b) Objectives: The ambition of the study was to use a multiple baseline design to evaluate the effects on taped numbers intervention and constant time delay on number identification accuracy among kindergarten students. bb. Criticisms: The absence of response data change during intervention sessions that would aid in designing responsible mechanisms for behavior change. Elements related to peer influence such as group and choral responding were not accounted for in the study. dd. Instruments: Formative evaluation process implanted on time delay procedures involving taped interventions such as sounds, texts, video, and animations. Using multimedia computer program inserted to a 5-second constant time- delay procedure was effective in teaching sight words mm. Criticisms: Students with low mastery levels face a high chance of lagging behind in such procedures and thus would not be favored. In addition, the chorus method does not necessary entail memory retention of words that might affect students negatively. Aldemir, O., & Gursel, O. (2014). The effectiveness of the constant time delay procedure in teaching pre-school academic skills to children with developmental disabilities in a small group teaching arrangement. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(2), 733-740. Begeny, J. C., Krouse, H. E., Ross, S. G., & Mitchell, R. C. (2009). Increasing elementary-aged students’ reading fluency with small-group interventions: A comparison of repeated reading, listening passage preview, and listening only strategies. Journal of Behavioral Education, 18(3), 211-228. Begeny, J. C., Daly III, E. J., &

Child Sexual Abuse Detection and Prevention Essay

Child Sexual Abuse Detection and Prevention - Essay Example Due to the traumatizing nature of sexual abuse, effective treatment approaches and prevention strategies have recently been developed (Roberts & Miltenberger 1999). This research discusses on of the most traumatic dilemma faced by all the societies of the world: Child Sexual Abuse. Special emphasis has been laid on the detection (in terms of symptoms) and prevention (including laws) of child sexual abuse. The problem of child sexual abuse warrants serious consideration by society as a whole. Prevalence of the problem has been suggested to include almost one-quarter of the nation's population (Finkelhor et al., 1990). As a result of sexual abuse, a variety of emotional and behavioral problems may develop and continue into the young victim's adulthood. Due to the traumatizing nature of sexual abuse, effective treatment approaches and prevention strategies have recently been developed (Roberts & Miltenberger 1999). Child sexual abuse can be defined as any sexual activity, overt or covert, between a child and an adult (or older child, where the younger child's participation is obtained through seduction or coercion) (Ratican 1992). It generally has a significant negative and pervasive psychological impact on its victims (Browne & Finkelhor, 1986). Russell (1986) found that female sexual abuse survivors had a significantly greater number of negative life experiences, such as repeated victimization, marital and family instability, and decreases in socioeconomic status, than did those who had not been abused. Briere and his associates found significantly higher levels of psychological symptoms among both male and female survivors than among non-abused adults in clinical and nonclinical samples (Briere, Evans, et al., 1988; Briere & Runtz, 1988). Child sexual abuse is an etiological factor in some of the most severe mental disorders (Ratican 1992), including dissociative disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, sexual disorders, affective disorders, personality disorders, and substance abuse (Gelinas, 1983). It is thought to be a major cause of borderline and multiple personality disorders and may be a contributing factor in many others, such as paranoid and obsessive-compulsive and passive-aggressive disorders (Saltman & Solomon, 1982; Wheeler & Walton, 1987). Chapter 2: Data Analysis Research findings have suggested that between two and four females out of 10 have been sexually abused (Wilcox, Richards & O'Keeffe 2004), while approximately half as many males have been sexually abused (Cawson et al., 2000). (It should be borne in mind, however, that prevalence rates vary depending on how abuse is defined.) The literature also indicates that non-contact offences are reported less often, as well as incest offences (Wilcox, Richards & O'Keeffe 2004). General population estimates would suggest that one in 100 children are sexually abused by a father or father figure (Laurance, 2000). It is of considerable interest that estimates further suggested that two in 100 children are sexually abused by siblings. In respect of issues concerning the traumatic effects of sexual abuse, it seems significant that, despite these statistics, fathers

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literature Review Outline on Improving Reading Fluency in Elementary Essay

Literature Review Outline on Improving Reading Fluency in Elementary Students - Essay Example i. Definitions and Benefits of Constant Time Delay – Citation of Reference by Aldemir & Gursel (2014): These are teaching techniques that build reading fluency by increasing word recognition. Teaching utilizes procedures that entail observational learning groups such as pronunciation of letters and spelling lessons. b) Objectives: The ambition of the study was to use a multiple baseline design to evaluate the effects on taped numbers intervention and constant time delay on number identification accuracy among kindergarten students. bb. Criticisms: The absence of response data change during intervention sessions that would aid in designing responsible mechanisms for behavior change. Elements related to peer influence such as group and choral responding were not accounted for in the study. dd. Instruments: Formative evaluation process implanted on time delay procedures involving taped interventions such as sounds, texts, video, and animations. Using multimedia computer program inserted to a 5-second constant time- delay procedure was effective in teaching sight words mm. Criticisms: Students with low mastery levels face a high chance of lagging behind in such procedures and thus would not be favored. In addition, the chorus method does not necessary entail memory retention of words that might affect students negatively. Aldemir, O., & Gursel, O. (2014). The effectiveness of the constant time delay procedure in teaching pre-school academic skills to children with developmental disabilities in a small group teaching arrangement. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(2), 733-740. Begeny, J. C., Krouse, H. E., Ross, S. G., & Mitchell, R. C. (2009). Increasing elementary-aged students’ reading fluency with small-group interventions: A comparison of repeated reading, listening passage preview, and listening only strategies. Journal of Behavioral Education, 18(3), 211-228. Begeny, J. C., Daly III, E. J., &

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Unpaid Internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Unpaid Internship - Essay Example In my opinion, the unpaid internship program is perfectly legal. Some institutions offer either a paid or unpaid internship program. For the unpaid internship program, a partnership is entered into between the schools and the training institutions. The institutions include the hospitals, factories, stores, and other unpaid internship entity types. Under both the unpaid and paid internship programs, the students are given an opportunity to experience real-life working conditions. In the internship program, fair exchange occurs. In exchange for the real-life working experiences, the unpaid intern earns educational units (Niles 108). The educational unit credits are in lieu of the interns’ being paid in U.S. dollar or other similar payment methods. For receiving free real work experiences, the greenhorn, neophyte academic learner cannot demand payment of their internship duties (Wong 57). Undoubtedly, the unpaid intern receives equivalent education units in exchange for the entit ies’ free training. Nancy Niles reiterated that â€Å"the unpaid internship program offers management another tool for fill the company’s need additional company recruits (Niles 107). Some entities engage in trial employment (internship) activities. The company tests the intern’s capacity to be hired as another future employee. For the slow-learning lackluster unpaid intern, management may immediately to terminate the internship. An intern who cannot follow the instructions or orders of the clinical instructors or training facilities’ superiors will surely be â€Å"kicked out† of the training sessions (Niles 108). Without a doubt, the unpaid internship program offers the facilities’ officers another tool in its desire to absorb highly qualified interns into the company’s regular employee program. The unpaid internship program increases the students’ job hiring prospects. To be effective, the students must focus quality time and energy to learning everything needed to be successful in the real world, including being hired in one’s dream job.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Why Separating the Church from the State is the Best Policy Essay Example for Free

Why Separating the Church from the State is the Best Policy Essay Those sympathetic toward the British dissenters and critical of the aristocratic foundations of eighteenth-century British life have found it easy enough to dismiss Burkes arguments as a simple defense of Whig oligarchy. [1] But Burkes belief that religion and society, church and state, stood or fell together was only the latest and perhaps most eloquent expression of a very old tradition in all of Christendom. For men of Burkes temperament, the lesson was finally driven home by the general weakening of religious establishments in America after the Revolutionparticularly the formal disestablishment of the Anglican Church in Virginiaand the assault on religion by the French Revolution. [2] It is probably more difficult for Americans, whose government and society rest precisely on the very political philosophy and religious nonconformity which Burke opposed, than for citizens of more historically grounded nations, to view his defense of established religion and the confessional state with great sympathy. But in this authors view, it is well worth the attempt. Jacques Maritain observed some forty years ago that while the confessional state may have only constituted the legal rather than the living, vital form of medieval sacral civilization, nevertheless medieval man and woman entered civil society and citizenship only through membership in the Church. Modern man and woman are citizens regardless of religious affiliation. Maritain cited the view of the distinguished Catholic theologian, Charles Journet, who distinguished between the Christian state which was at the service of right and truth, and the modern state which justifies itself in the service of freedom and the realization of human dignity. According to Journet: It would be incorrect to describe medieval times as those of a confusion between the spiritual and the temporal . . . Their interrelations were characterized in medieval society by the fact that the spiritual order did not confine itself to acting on the temporal as a regulator of political, social and cultural values. It tended . . . to become . . . a component element in the structure of society . . . Those who did not visibly belong to the Church were from the first dismissed society: the heathen over the frontiers, the Jews into ghettos. Those who, having first been Christians, afterwards broke with the Church, as heretics or schismatics, constituted a much greater dangerthey shook the very bases of the new society and appeared as enemies of the public safety. [3] All justification of views supporting the need for the true faith to force compliance comes in the last analysis from St. Augustine. Peter Brown has called him the first theorist of the Inquisition and explains that his pessimism and belief in predestination allowed him to disbelieve in the wisdom of permitting error to do battle freely with truth in a competition of ideas, the preferred choice of a John Milton, perhaps of a John Locke, and of all liberals. Augustine was convinced that sinful man required firm handling, in his term discipline. This was how God had ruled Israel, and Christian society could do no less. [4] Burke himself, during the intense excitement of the French Revolution, did not shrink from praising even the Spanish Inquisition, along with Joseph de Maistre, finding that as to the clergy, they are the only thing in Spain that looks like an independent order, and they are kept in some respect by the Inquisition, the sole but unhappy resource of pub-lick tranquility and order now remaining in Spain. As in Venice, it is become mostly an engine of State, which, indeed, to a degree, it has always been in Spain. It wars no longer with Jews and Hereticks: It has no such war to carry on. Its great object is to keep atheistic and republican doctrines from making their way in that kingdom. [5] In view of the fact that for St. Thomas Aquinas nothing less than the Eucharist created the civic community, and because the conservative model of the good society was always medieval Europe, can one doubt that religion must lie at the foundation of the conservative understanding of citizenship? [6] Perhaps no one has understood the religious foundations of citizenship as well as J. G. A. Pocock. His analysis deserves our full attention: To those for whom all intolerance is ridiculous and unnecessary, it is hard to imagine a world in which differences in religious belief had serious political consequences; but if Jesus Christ were less than an equal person of the holy and undivided Trinity, still more if he were a divinely appointed human being and not himself divine, there could be no thought that the Churchany Churchwas part of his continuing divine presence on earth, or in any corporate sense part of the presence of God among men. Religion could only be a community of belief or opinion among those who voluntarily held beliefs or opinions in common; it could not be the institutional form of a communion between God and men . . . . Richard Price desired more than toleration for Protestant Dissenters; he desired a full equality of civil rights, irrespective of denominational membership or doctrinal subscription.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis of taobaos business strategies

Analysis of taobaos business strategies Taobao is the most famous online shopping website in China. It was launched in 2003 and within two years it became the leader of Chinas online shopping market. In order to keep the leadership position in increasingly intense competition and sustain its development, Taobao needs to modify and better its strategies for future development. Furthermore, its marketing strategies can also provide a good example for other online shopping companies. This essay is going to make an overall analysis on Taobaos business strategies by SWOT. Key words: Taobao; marketing strategies; SWOT analysis Taobao operates a website, which is the largest Internet retail website in China. According to its website the transaction volume on Taobao (gross merchandise volume or GMV) exceeded RMB200 billion (US$29 billion) in 2009. Taobao launched in 2003, is owned by Alibaba Group, which is a family of Internet-based businesses. (Taobao, n.d.) Taobao provides not only online platforms but also third-party online payment services (Alipay) and instant messaging services (Aliwangwang) Platforms within Taobao include Alimama (, an online advertising exchange and affiliate network for publishers in China. In addition, there is also a classified listing website (ibid.) SWOT analysis, according to Philip Kolter, is an overall evaluation of a companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. (Kolter, 2003) As the competition in the online shopping market is becoming increasingly fierce, Taobao faces some problems as well. The purpose of this SWOT analysis is to provide a critical review of key factors that may slow down Taobaos future development. 2. Strengths 2.1 Leading position in Chinas online shopping market Taobao is an acknowledged leader in both B2C (business to consumer) and C2C (consumer to consumer) online shopping market in China. Taobao has (should be: had) more than 190 million registered users by (could use: at) the end of April, 2010. (Taobao, n.d.) It has built a strong brand and is recognised by more Netizen (which is defined as the Chinese population who have accessed the Internet in the past 6 months by China Internet Network Information Centre) (CNNIC. 2008, January 15th). The company is well-thought-of by customers which gives Taobao more advantages in competition. 2.2 Effective combination of diversified offerings Taobao combines its three segment businesses effectively to enlarge its customer base. Take Alipay as an example, it is a third-party online payment platform, provides a simpler, efficient and safe payment service for both customers and sellers. This service not only ensure (should be: ensures) the transaction security but also reduces the transaction risk for online consumers, as it enables buyers to confirm the quality of goods before releasing funds to sellers. For example, if goods are found (to be) broken or fake, customers can request Alipay to postpone the release of funds to sellers. (Taobao, n.d.) This service help (should be: helps) Taobao (to) attract more customers. In addition, an instant message (could use: messaging) service called Aliwangwang make (should be: makes) the communication between (the) buyer and seller easier. Moreover, this service enables (the) buyer and seller (to) have a directly private bargain during the transactions, which is the preference of Chinese customers. 2.3 Precise market positioning Taobao analyzed Chinas online shopping market at the beginning of its business. Different from other online shopping websites which prefer older white-collar worker(s) with higher salaries or people who like collecting and sharing, Taobao chose fashionable younger females as the target customer. This market positioning proved more suitable for Chinas market compared to other websites (apostrophe not needed) . This is one of the reasons that the growth rate of Taobao is much higher than other competitors. 3. Weaknesses 3.1 Limiting itself to local market The design of Taobao website and other supporting services were based on Chinas local market. This localisation strategy made Taobao grew (should be: grow) fast at the beginning. However, with the development of the website, this strategy limits Taobao to the Chinese market and (, therefore resulting in a) lack of presence in (the) global market. 3.2 Insufficient screen process to control counterfeit products Although Taobao has taken some measures to control the sale of fake goods, such as rating the sellers by credit value, the result was not as expected. Because of the free strategy that Taobao used, individuals can establish an online shop easily without charge and requirement. This makes it even hard to monitor and select sellers that commit fraud. Lack of effective screening processes to control the sale of counterfeit products has had a negative influence on customers confidence in Taobao. It could also affect Taobaos brand image and sales. 4. Opportunities 4.1 Growing demand for online shopping in China According to CNNIC, the number of online buyers reached 87.9 million by June 2009, increasing from 74 million in 2008 and 46 million in 2007. The online shopping penetration rate achieved 24.8% by June 2009. (CNNIC. 2010, January 15th; 2010, July 15th) As the data above shows, more people in China prefer to buy products online. Convenience and various choices could be two main reasons. This increasingly growing demand for online shopping contributed to the growth of Taobao. 4.2 Government support After the global financial crisis, (the) Chinese government provided a RMB 4 trillion stimulus package in order to boost the domestic economic growth through 2010. (the) IT industry received around 0.5% to 1% of the cash injection. (Xinhua, 2008). This gave online shopping companies strong support for future developments. 4.3 Safer payment systems for online transactions The improved online payment systems play an important role in the growth of Chinese online shopping markets. There are more flexible payment systems for customers to choose. For example, a third-party online payment system ensures the security of transaction(s) and enables customers to get their refunds easily. A simpler and safer payment for online transaction(s) attracts (should be: attract) more customers. 5. Threats 5.1 Low entry barrier leads to fierce competition Because of the low entry barrier and fast growing market, Taobao meets many challenges, particularly in the face of increased competition from new market entrants. In addition, without many technical difficulties, it is easy for other competitors to copy Taobaos business pattern. Therefore, Taobao will be forced to increase investments on advertising or technological innovation. 5.2 Strict policy for third parties payment license Recently, Peoples Bank of China issued an Administrative Measures for the Payment Services Provided by Non-financial Institutions which has raised the entry standard for third payment party. In order to get (could use: obtain) and keep the license, Taobao has to increase its expenditure on online payment. 5.3 Higher logistics costs Taobao will give customers suggestions about the logistic companies which are mostly local third party logistics providers and customers usually take the suggestions because of the lower delivery prices these companies offered, compared to other international express companies, such as DHL and UPS. However, local third party logistics recently announced that they would raise the price. As most online customers are highly prices sensitive, this will have a negative effect on Taobaos sale. 6 Conclusions According to the SWOT analysis, although there are some drawbacks which have negative effects on Taobaos future development, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages. In addition, there are many opportunities for Taobaos further growth. This conclusion will give some suggestions for Taobaos future business expansion. First of all, in order to keep the leadership position, technological innovation is crucial for Taobao. Taobao may focus on continuous improvement of its online payment system, which is also one of its strengths, particularly in the aspect of transactions (should be transactions, without apostrophe) reliability and security. Moreover, website functions, Internet stability and high-speed access to websites are also important in providing a better user experience, which may help to attract more customers. Secondly, as Taobao has the advantage of large scale consumers and sellers, Taobao may segment its market to provide more specialized services based on different demands so that it can meet customers requirements more effectively. To sum up, it is undeniable that the future of (the) online shopping market in China is promising. Based on the statistics by CNNIC, It is in a steadily (should be: steady) development stage. In this attractive online shopping market, more complete logistics providers and payment systems will appear. These will provide Taobao more opportunities to develop in the future.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

John Steinbeck Essay -- essays research papers

John Steinbeck John Steinbeck was a famous American author who wrote from the 1920 to the 1940. Steinbeck was constantly moving across the country trying to succeed as a writer. John Steinbeck lived a life of constant up and downs, successes and failures before he landed on his feet and became a famous author. John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California on February 27, 1902. He was the only son and the third child of John Ernst Steinbeck and Olive Hamilton. Steinbeck’s father owned comfortable Victorian house in Salinas. John’s father managed the Sperry Flour Mill. Things were pretty good for the Steinbeck, they were settled in a nice home they did not have to many financial problems, but then economic difficulties forced John’s father dismissal from the mill. Steinbeck’s father deiced to open a feed and grain store and go into business himself. The store struggled to survive and eventually failed completely. A close friend of John’s father got him a job as an account for the Spreckles Sugar Company. "Although he had a job, John’s father was extremely devastated by the lose of his business"(Stephen) "Encouraged by his parents John began to develop a love literature"(Morrow). At his ninth birthday John received a copy of the book Morte d’Arthur. This was the first book John ever owned. He later said it was a great influence upon his life. During his years at Salinas High School, John excelled in English. At...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Legal & Ethical Environment of Business Essay

In this individual project I will be analyzing and explaining the state of our legal system in terms of ethics as a personal and business standpoint. Secondly I will be figuring out if our legal system promotes bad ethics and what they are doing in trying to make it into god ethics. Then lastly I will be going over the role of judges in promoting good legal ethical practices in our society as of today. Sate of Our Legal System in Terms of Ethics  Ethical assessment making begins with the reaction that there is a good versus a bad moral decision to be made con ­cerning a particular condition a â€Å"correct† choice established on interests benefiting mortality in some way as different to a â€Å"incorrect† choice established on some corrupt or self-serving concern. It also involves characters to appraise the morality of their own, and often others’, actions (Board, 2012). Ethics are the resources by which we choose what movements are allowable and what activities are not. What is less identified is the fact that every ethic involves of two quantities: an importance that explains what it is that we need more of in our lives, or what we wish to exploit, and a belief, or system of views, that defines what activities we are to take to acquire more of the worth that we pursue. Still less frequently known is the fact that an ethic may be effective or unacceptable. Effective ethics create the preferred outcomes an escalation in the standards wanted. Void ethics create the opposite result a decreasing of that which is pursued or wanted. As an example, contemplate the ethic implemented by our country’s forefathers. The assessment they wished to exploit was freedom for the country’s societies (excluding maybe women and slaves). The belief system was founded on the values of a democratic republic memorial popular regulation. Each year but two (1865 and 1920) we have had less freedom than the year before (Singer, n. d. ). Today, through the propagation of ever more preventive laws, almost every part of our lives is structured or controlled by our county, state, federal, or public governments. Without government authorization we cannot drive a car, own property, board a plane, modify our home, open a bank account, control a business, consume prescribed medication, carry a gun, or do any of a thousand other things that our forefathers and foremothers would have reflected to be our unchallengeable rights. In short, the creators of our country chose to implement an ethic that is unacceptable because its acceptance fashioned the conflicting effect of that anticipated. While we are on the focus of ethics, let’s consider two other precise ethics that are particularly appropriate to an considerate of the problem that mortality presently faces. The first I shall mention to as the Power Ethic. This ethic pursues to exploit power over others in the influences of those who accept it. The confidence system that supports this ethic can be summarized by the declaration, â€Å"Might makes right†. In other words, those who can afford to buy artillery and to pay or intimidate young men and women to use those arms in combat have the right to exercise power over others for whatever reasons they wish. This is the ethic accepted by those who conceived government as-we-know-it in Sumer eight thousand years ago. This ethic is still the principle of those who run the governments of the world nowadays. At first it might seem that the Power Ethic is effective because, undeniably, those who have accepted it have prospered in accruing more and more power over their associated men and women. But there are secondary penalties. Incorporated among these are drug addiction, international strife, poverty, hunger, slavery, terrorism, wars, interpersonal violence, bureaucracy, oligarchy, environmental degradation, and all manner of crime. If the macroscopic development continues it is more than likely that the end outcome will be the total extermination of all human life on our planet thus decreasing the earth to a radioactive residue. Like a universal pest, those who have espoused the Power Ethic will abolish their host and themselves with it. So in the end the ethic is not usable. By contrast, reflect an ethic that picks originality and its logical counterparts as the standards to be exploited. Such means as love, consciousness, objective truth, and development may be measured as reasonable equivalents of imagination, because whenever one of these assets is amplified they are all improved, and vice versa. John David Garcia, the brilliant author of Creative Transformation, called this ethic the Evolutionary Ethic, so I will do likewise (AIU Online, 2013). We might note at this point that all affluence, and eventually all cheerfulness, originates from someone’s creativeness. The belief system that authorizes this ethic instigates with the concept that an act is good if it intensifications originality or any of its logical counterparts for at least one person without limiting or fading creativity for anyone. From this meaning a broad variety of values can be resulting by simple judgment. This ethic, it turns out, is effective. Inquisitively, the acceptance of this ethic normally exploits affluence and happiness, even though these are not logical equivalents of creativeness. In fact, ethics based on the expansion of affluence and happiness are not lawful creating poverty and unhappiness in its place. From this point on I shall use the terms ethical and unethical in place to this ethic precisely. There are numerous other legal ethics which I choose not to discuss in this paper excluding to note that each of them shows, upon close inspection, to be logical counterparts of the Evolutionary Ethic in that they call for the same interactive choices when determining between alternative sequences of action. From the preceding we can see that mortality’s big  problem  is the fact that the world’s governments, without omission, have selected the Power Ethic as their factor basis reasonably than the Evolutionary Ethic or one of its logical counterparts. The big  question  that humankind faces today is whether this choice is permanent and if not, what we must do to dodge the disaster that the Power Ethic is leading us toward (AIU Online, 2013). In our legal system in terms of ethics as being a big part of our nation’s survival and in terms of businesses keeping up a good production of products and jobs for eople to live on be able to pay bills and what not. Legal System Promote Bad Ethics In an ethical society freedom is restricted by ethical law. Those who wish to perform in a dependent or destructive manner are prohibited to do so. The inaccuracy of our establishment fathers was to exploit freedom in such a way that the most predacious, parasitic, and normally unethical persons were allowable to command the law, thereby creating the commands that allowed the ultra-wealthy to control the rest of us. We must reverse this trend if humanity is to survive, let alone thrive. To accomplish this end we must understand the nature of ethical law and disprove the authority of unethical law. To aid in descriptive this peculiarity, I shall mention to unethical laws as government announcements, or simply as pronouncements. If so, might makes right, and anyone who can afford to buy weapons and persuade others to use them to enforce their will has a right to so. This is the premise upon which all of today’s governments are founded. This has been the true basis of law throughout the world for at least eight thousand years, since government was invented in Sumer. To answer this question properly, we note first that all law presumes the use of force or power over others. But it takes only a simple exercise of logic to see that the exercise of power over others is only ethical in self-protection against someone who has initiated or defenseless the use of force for their own purposes. Therefore, ethical laws are only those that provide defense against such unethical acts. Since everyone has the right to defend themselves against the use of violence, it follows that everyone has the right to delegate to others their specialist to defend themselves. From this we conclude that all ethical laws embody this principle: All ethical laws, all legitimate laws, represent a contract under which a group of individuals, each having the right of self-defense, agrees to enforce a mutual defense pact. Ethical law can exist for this purpose alone. Additionally, we note that all existing laws, and laws, forbid some act or permit the act only when a tax is paid to the government (AIU Online, 2013). Role of Judges in Promoting Good Legal Ethical Practices The makings of a good judge are the abilities of a good man. There are supplementary demands on a judge, to be sure information of the law, a will to append judgment until all the indication is in. But at least it must be the complexity and consistency of his mortality that succeed and define the judge (Newton, n. d. ). Those who come before a judge do not really know before whom they stand. The person who manages over the courtroom, covered in the earnest black robes of his or her office, is in that moment less an individual than a sign of democratic standards and an tool of state power. In appreciation of that power and ability, all rise as the judge enters the courtroom and takes the seat, eminent above everyone else in the room, from which impartiality will be noticeable. It is the hope of all, and the principle of most, that this individual will do his or her job well, administration what is possibly our most valuable social good justice. Yet, in most compliments, judges remain unidentified to those who conduct their business before the court. What no one knows, what no one is even allowed to ask, is the character of the person wearing that robe and the ways in which that individual’s particular aptitudes will affect the presentation of his or her responsibilities (Newton, n. d. ). The judges I interviewed all acknowledged both that doing their job involved elements of discretion and that exercising discretion was in some measure a reflection of one’s own moral values. Yet, each responded to these challenges differently. Judge Meyer appeared most concerned about the subjectivity inherent in judging. In response to my proposition that judging elaborate evaluating the ethical character of people in certain ways and that this involved a good deal of indecision (Newton, n. d. ). Conclusion In conclusion, this individual project has really shown me some great ethics, morality and legalities in how to focus on the analysis of each portion of legal systems and role of judges in trying to promote good ethical practices. It just goes to show that in the different analysis in explaining the stat of our legal system in terms of ethics is a big portion in our societies now days. Although, in going into the legal system in promoting bad ethics is that you never really know what to expect in trying to promote bad ethics with some companies in furthering their demographic. However, in the role of judges in promoting good legal ethical practices is that judges have to stick with a strict process of being good in supporting these laws in the legal system in terms of ethics. So overall I found this assignment to have taught me some great information in trying to come up with the best research to best complement in delivering the additional material in providing the focus on this topic.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

High School and Everyday Pressures Essay

The topic sentence of the paragraph Is, a trip to the ocean can be a relaxing escape from everyday pressures of life. b. What sentence is unrelated to the topic and can be eliminated? The sentence that is unrelated to the topic is, you should always be careful to avoid overexposure to the sun at the beach. 2. List four things to look for when you’re proofreading. Four things you should look for while proofreading are, grammar, spelling, correct punctuation, and proper capitalization. 3. Complete the following two steps: a. Define the term cliche. The term cliche is a word, phrase, or idea that is over used. b. Write one sentence that contains a cliche. The mother said to the daughter angrily, â€Å"you’ll never get through school unless you get your act together. † Get your act together is the cliche. 4. Name and explain two types of prewriting. Brainstorming, make a list of every idea that comes to mind. Free writing, you fill a piece of paper with any idea that comes to mind about your topic. 5. Choose one of the topics listed below and write a five-sentence paragraph using chronological order To arrange the details of the paragraph. . Signing on to my homepage is simple. Signing on to my home page is simple. First, what I do when I turn on my computer, is click on the internet. Second, I go to the favorites tab and click High School Courses. This automatically pulls up the homepage. Then I go to the top left and click student login. Last, I type in my information and get to work. 6. Choose one of the followin g topics. Write an eight-sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic. d. A high school diploma is important to my future. I feel you can’t be successful in life without some form of education. For example, over the summer I attended a volunteer program at a Homeless shelter. My experience was not bad at all. In fact the people there were really nice. Every person I talked to had either dropped out of high school or did not apply themselves. Discussing with the people at the shelter made me realize my life wasn’t so bad and how having a education is a must in today’s society. After that experience I decided that I needed to get my high school diploma so I do not have to struggle for the rest of my life. By writing this essay I have finally accomplished my goal.

Ecotourism in Hong Kong

The image of Hong Kong is well known as â€Å"shopper’s paradise† and â€Å"Pearl of the Orient†. Further, according to the International Market Research Study, it shows that the lack of new appeals in Hong Kong is a significant reason for it not being considered as a vacation destination. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the appeals of Hong Kong. Why not use our existing natural resources as tourist attractions? To maintain the competitiveness, Hong Kong should build up its own unique and special character. Natural wonders of the territory provide a chance to show the uniqueness and international significance of Hong Kong ecology.Green tourism, outdoors, hiking and nature are some of the new and promising products most needed by consumers. Building ecotourism could attract special interest tourists. It was found that nature-based activities or scenery is one of the top attractions which the visitors to Hong Kong are interested in. These natural attractions i nclude trips to outlying islands, nature reserves (Mai Po), beaches, mountain hiking, urban nature trails and dolphin-watching. Hong Kong’s remote, unpolluted outlying islands are an attraction for tourists.Many tourists are surprised that Hong Kong has dolphins in one of the world busiest harbors. In addition, a survey completed by the HKTA found that about 15% of tourists are interested in taking part in outdoor and hiking activities in Hong Kong. Since many overseas tourists are interested in seeing wildlife and beauty natural scenic, there is a potential market for ecotourism. About 70% of Hong Kong is rural area. Nature is right on the city’s doorstep. They are mostly accessible by buses and minibuses. Hiking, swimming, scubas-diving and sailing are all possible just a short journey from urban area.A total of 24 country parks have been designated for the purposes of nature conservation, countryside recreation and outdoor education. There are  22 special areas cr eated mainly for the purpose of nature conservation. The country parks and special areas cover a total area of 44  239 hectares. The country parks comprise scenic hills, woodlands, reservoirs and coastline in all parts of Hong Kong. The country parks are very popular with all sectors of the community and spending a day in a country park is one of the best recreational choices. About 12. million visitors were recorded in 2012 and most visitors engaged in leisure walking, hiking, barbecuing and camping. Hong Kong has glory and outstanding scenic beauty, and also rich ecology. These are striking advantages for promoting ecotourism. Besides, Hong Kong is characterized by hilly topography with less low flat land areas. It consists of undeveloped and unspoiled steep hills, some 230 outlying islands and also other geographical and ecological features of high scenic and amenity value on Government lands with unrestricted public access and proximity to the urban areas.There is a wide varie ty of scenic views, landscape features and habitats including sandy beaches, rocky foreshores, mountain ranges, grasslands, valleys, shrub lands and so on. The sub-tropical climatic environment and extensive undeveloped tracts of natural landscapes provide a wide range of habitats, and supports high biodiversity of flora and fauna, both resident and migratory. There are about 500 species of birds, one-third of all species of birds in China. More than 230 species of butterflies and over 100 species of dragonflies can be found.There are more than 2600 species of vascular plants, 50 species of mammals, 80 species of reptiles and more than 20 species of amphibians in Hong Kong (AFCD 2013). A high proportion of birds in Hong Kong are winter visitors and passage migrants in spring and autumn, followed by resident birds and summer visitors. Migration is a strong instinct, and birds (particularly water birds) are often able to traverse immense natural barriers, frequently migrating and maki ng one or more stopovers en route.In Hong Kong, we can watch butterflies in all seasons due to warm climate and the presence of a variety of habitats. There are over 230 butterfly species in Hong Kong and more than 130 species have been recorded in Hong Kong Wetland Park. The Butterfly Garden in the Hong Kong Wetland Park is planted with various larval food plants and nectar plants. It is an ideal place for learning butterflies. Dragonflies and damselflies are among the most beautiful and spectacular insects in the world.Their lives are closely intertwined with wetlands. Up to April 2009, there are 115 species of dragonfly officially recorded in Hong Kong. During the Dragonfly Festival, Hong Kong Wetland Park will organize a series of activities for public to broaden their knowledge of dragonflies. These activities also aimed to promote dragonflies watching and encourage the public to engage in the conservation works of wetlands and dragonflies. Our bustling metropolis has more than 40% of its land designated as protected green areas.Apart from providing habitats for our myriad wildlife, this verdant countryside is also home to world-class rock formations and geological features. A geopark is a unique natural area with special geological significance and natural and cultural landscapes, and can serve the three objectives of conservation, education and sustained development. The Marine Parks Ordinance protects and conserves the marine environment and a rich collection of aquatic animals and plants, such as corals, sea grasses and dolphins. In Hong Kong, there are 84 species of reef-building corals.Reef-building Corals in Hong Kong with the splendid colors and graceful growth forms and they also build â€Å"homes† for a wide range of marine animals. At present, there are four marine parks and one marine reserve, including Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park, Yan Chau Tong Marine Park, Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, Tung Ping Chau Marine Park and Cape D'Aguila r Marine Reserve. They cover a total area of 2 430 hectares and comprise scenic coastal areas, seascapes and important marine habitats. Marine parks and reserve can be managed for conservation, education, recreation and scientific studies.In marine parks, visitors are encouraged to appreciate the beauty and diversity of marine life. Diving, snorkeling, swimming, canoeing, sailing, underwater photography and school visits are popular activities in marine parks. Educational activities such as guided tours, beach clean-ups, seabed clean-ups and public lectures are regularly organized. Tourists can take part in them. To conclude, there is a great potential for the further development of ecotourism in Hong Kong since the territory is rich in ecology with outstanding natural beauty.Pure Ecotourism can include as one of the attractions in the trip to experience the green side of Hong Kong and to show the compact and variety of the territory. However, it is unsuitable to promote ecotourism without any development strategy. To ensure the ecological sustainability of nature and ecotourism, conversation should be in the first priority when developing ecotourism. For the sustainable development of ecotourism, it is important to let tourism industry, government, tourists and residents know what is the meaning of ecotourism.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

SAGE analysis in six major issues in youth sports Essay

SAGE analysis in six major issues in youth sports - Essay Example It will mainly discuss how these issues are generated and why it becomes a conflict for society. (Smith, Smoll and Ptacek)These areas include; In spite of the above mentioned problems, the youth sports program is focused and determined to do a great deal of good for families and children in the area. The first thing they have done in order to counter this issues is the mare fact of acknowledging that this issues do exist and everybody in the youth sport fraternity has to confront these problems. (Houlihan)The other strategy is to understand the important role the youth sports play in the society, and identify and understand the powerful psychological pressure these sports exert on families, children, and the community. Sport is a freely or a voluntarily chosen activity, that is governed by rules activities that involve competition and physical challenging in a mutual challenge to achieve a goal or excellence. Participants are required to abide by the rules of the sport, and produce excellent results at the end. (Richard Thorpe)Some rules may be manipulated and changed to fit new conditions of the game, or due to introduction of better ways of officiating the sport so as to keep the game challenging, and in a way keep and promote fair play within the bounds of decency as far as the game is concerned. This whole idea of physical challenge and excellence in terms of results leads to a number of issues. Ethics issues are defined as conflicts of rights and responsibilities, conflicts of preferred consequences or conflicts of values. (Houlihan)In sports, they are known as sports ethics issues which mostly arise from sports related moral conflicts. Generally, ethics is the study of values theories and principles that are invoked so as to justify one’s choice over another. Ethical theories display categories of moral relativism and moral absolutism beliefs in explaining the world. (Catherine Marshall)Management may be defined as the operation and

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Leadership and Management - Essay Example â€Å"The quality of leadership, more than any one single factor, determines the success or failure of an organization† (Arizona State University, 2009). It is important to analyze and understand the different traits of leadership and management for a firm to operate with success. The trait approach of leadership helps to analyze the qualities of the business personnel’s. It the recent era business affairs change often, so the managers must keep clear perceptions and visions for the future actions to be implemented in an organization. A good leader in a business firm must have five important traits in him; these are self confidence, intelligence, integrity, determination and sociability. The other theory for leadership is the style theory. The different leadership styles are ‘authority compliance style’, ‘country club management style’, ‘impoverished management style’, ‘team management style’ and middle-of -the-road-ma nagement’ (Bush, 2010). An organization can also be operated with variable types of management methods. These types are autocratic, democratic, participative and Laissez Fair in features. The management style of Malin Global is autocratic in nature. Hugo Freinnes the CEO of the company undertakes the primary decisions of the firm by himself. Hogo had set up the satellite operation in 2010, this operation helped to facilitate its tasks in New York. However in order to successfully run the business Hugo decided to move to New York for two years. Marina Guedeline was appointed by Hugo to head the operations in the London office. He did not take the opinion of the other employees for this task. Thus, Malin Global had an autocratic form of management style. However, Marina desired to run operations by both participative and democratic pattern. She appointed various workers in the company like Li Piung Ho, Agneta Solvig etc to accomplish the jobs in the London office of Malin Globa l. At the same time, in order to conclude on business decisions, Marina took the help of other employees. Both the leaders of Malin Global, Hugo and Marina pursued efficient leadership skills. They processed the correct intelligence to analyze the changing environmental factors that could affect the business of Malin Global. They had the self confidence and determination to make changes in the business operations of Malin Global. Both of them operated the company with integrity and had the ability to instil the same values to the others. However, the sociability trait was doubted in the organization because certain workers claimed that the company is a male dominated organization and some officials were not ready to work under female heads. The success of a business firm depends on its management skills. A business firm should follow democratic principles than autocracy in it. The employees should be allowed to innovate and participate in different projects in an organization but th e officials and seniors of the association must be respect and obey. Discrimination in terms of caste, creed, religion or sex must be strictly prohibited in an organization. Motivation in Business Motivation is a physiological characteristic feature that helps an entity to execute its tasks and achieve the desired goals. The primary driving force of an organization is motivation of the employees. If the employees of an organization are not well coordinated and motivated to work then it would be almost difficult to accomplish any

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Choices of Hybrid Cars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choices of Hybrid Cars - Research Paper Example The price of this car is approximately $ 46,350.00. This hybrid car has several advantages. One of its advantages is the engine to its suspension through steering and differential. The 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray car has enhanced performance. It has a very appealing exterior design that makes it extremely streamline. In addition, the car has LCD instrumentation inside it that make easy for the driver to customize information. Interestingly, the Base audio system pumps the bass, which produces a clean sound effect. It has a few disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the cabin tech interface is confusing with wide spectrum way of accessing music libraries, the audio sources and map features. The stingray also is not well suited for the presence of heavy traffic. The advantages by far outweigh the disadvantages and its star rating is outstanding. The price of this hybrid car is at $51,000.00. Mercedes-Benz S550 is another hybrid car. It has several advantages, to start with is its mammoth cabin space, which is also smooth making it adorable. The LED lights on the dashboard panels keep the tech to be ahead of the game. Its steering is an assisting feature that eases driving in heavy traffic. The main disadvantages of this hybrid car are its application integration that is very slow when it comes to loading for general use. The virtual instrument gauges look a little bit flat which need a graphic fuel gauge. The bottom line Mercedes- Benz is a good car and rated as excellent. Its prize is ranged between $28,000- $ 104,000.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Personal Educational Platform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Educational Platform - Essay Example Encourage interns to address the problems of socially excluded segment in the culturally diverse society in the current times of rapid globalization. Education empowers children. It also equips children with social and academic skills that widen their understanding of people and environment (Kurland et al., 2010). Moreover, education is intrinsically linked to the advancement of the society and helps children to contribute constructively to the development of the nation. Mentorship is important as it helps inculcates honesty, integrity and being ethical and knowledgeable. It also encourages trust in the mentee and belief in their competencies and values. Furthermore, mentors empower their mentees with knowledge and necessary skills in the area of education so as to become responsible citizen and constructive worker of society. Honesty, integrity, ethical considerations and sense of equity were vital attributes of educational leaders that influence the development of children positively. Better understanding of cross-cultural values helped me to impart education to diverse group of students that promoted social equity. It also revealed the importance of being able to connect with children and develop their interests in the studies. I have strong communication skills. It can be exploited in my teaching profession to build bonds with students and influence their academic achievements. It can be especially useful in education of children who are excluded like drug addicts, teenaged pregnant girl students etc. I have low understanding of cross-cultural values. In the contemporary multicultural society, cultural understanding is vital for teachers as it equips them to exploit cultural competencies of the students. Most importantly, enhancing cultural understanding promotes mutual respect and trust between students and interns for effective learning. School culture is important as it promotes equity across students coming from